I don’t like bullies anymore than you people that aren’t bullies like bullies. But I don’t think that starlings are bullies. I just think they are trying to eke out a living in North America. They did not ask to be brought here.
Some Englishman brought a lot of them here against their will and released them in Central Park back in the 1800’s because he missed them. What a wussy. The guy should have just turned the page and moved on. Look what happened. They’re everywhere. Millions and millions. Maybe trillions and jillions. What a fiasco.
Yesterday I watched a starling drive a cute little downy woodpecker from my wife’s suet feeder. Today I watched a starling drive a robin – yes, robin - from her suet feeder. I admit, I have not done an intensive case study on such battles but even to watch a couple of them I was disturbed.
My patriotic juices flow when watching American birds dominated by foreign invaders. Where’s a Cooper’s hawk when you need him? Hey, wait a minute, none of us but Indians can truly complain about what is indigenous and what is not.
I don’t hate starlings. I admire their tenacity. They just need to leave our little downy’s alone.
M. G. Sparks